mardi 23 mars 2010


Finally! I made it to my rest week. This week will be the last one of base 3. In other words, I'm entering build 1 phase next week! So the fun stuff starts in a couple of days... The hard part will be to wait until R&R is over... But I really needed this week and the weather is pretty bad right now so... Good thing it's here!

On the racing side, I'll be racing at St-Georges de Beauce june 13th. Last year, I ended in 7th place in my category and I aim for top 3 this year... All my training is focussed on that goal right now. I think I have somme good chances accomplishing this. I never trained this hard with that much focus for so long... I get about 14 to 16 hours a week of training and my body is getting better and better every day... Good thing!!

1 commentaire:

Judith a dit…

Good luck in your ravce and keep training, sounds like you are focussed on your goals!