mardi 16 juin 2009

My plan for today!

Big day in front of me. Woke up at 4h30 and going for a +- 100km "easy"(intervals are tomorrow) ride in a couple of minutes... After that the plan is to work... And then out again with my girlfriend for a other +- 20km ride at the end of the day.

I really love training but I've got a question: How do you guys merge your life(work and etc) with your training? I know for a long time that when you train to reach a certain level you have to put some commitment to your training but I think that the main problems are life obligations....

A other thing: is anyone here using Joe Friel training bible to plan things??

Well I'm gone on my ride! See you guys later!

2 commentaires:

Amanda a dit…

My old training buddy uses Friel and he seems to be doing well.

The key to maintaining a balance in training and life: being flexible and having priorities. Don't stress if you miss a workout because life gets in the way. You have to decide for YOU what is best. Is it going to dinner and spending the night out on the town or making dinner and spending the evening on the couch w/ your girlfriend so you can get up in teh morning and train? You can have your cake and eat it too, but you also have to not worry too much if some of the icing falls off.

And, in regard to the protein shake? I always slice up some overly ripe bananas and freeze and use those to thicken (and make it milkshake like)...add some milk and a scoop of Jay Robb whey protein because it has the amino acids I need. PLus, it's tastes really good.

Philippe a dit…

Thanks a lot!
I've got some thinking to do about your comment :)